We could call it a Campari & Soda but Campari is not my first pick, so I call it an Americano-ish. An Americano is a classic cocktail made from Bitter Americano/Aperitivo, Sweet Vermouth and Soda. I call this recipe Americano-ish because I skip the sweet vermouth and just go for the distinctly bitter and bright red Bitter Americano or Aperitivo (everyone has a different name for it but it’s most recognizably known as Campari)
I prefer La Sirene Rosso, St. George Brut Americano, and Leopold Bros Aperitivo all with superior taste, and sans questionable ingredients.
all units: U.S. Imperial
6 oz Bitter Americano (3 oz each)
2 oz chilled soda water (2 oz each)
1 orange
4 green olive
In a rocks glass pour the Bitter Americano over ice (preferably standard cubes, not a large single cube) top with soda water. Slice the orange into wedges. Squeeze one wedge into the cocktail and gently stir. Garnish with a second orange wedge and two green olives.
Serves 2